
Here are some resources to help you use the symbols with your work.  Many of the resources will send you to other websites.

Links to support for AAC use

ARASAAC symbols

ARASAAC software  and online tools that can be downloaded or used online and tends to be free but please check terms of use and attribution. The symbols are developed with a creative commons licence.


Sclera Symbols has a very useful collection of software and apps that can be downloaded – some are free and the symbols are developed with a creative commons licence.

Mada LogoMada Qatar Assistive Technology Center  team assess, train and support the use of technology to reduce barriers to learning, work and daily living for all those with a wide range of disabilities as well as those with other specific learning difficulties such as Dyslexia.


Hamad Medical Corporation Speech Therapy Department support those with communication difficulties including AAC and symbol users.

ace centreAce Centre UK   experts in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology (AT), with core specialist services that include: AssessmentsTraining and many more useful Resources


The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) works to improve the lives of children and adults who use AAC.

communication mattersCommunication Matters is a UK charity that support those with speech and language difficulties including those using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices and symbol users.